For the life of me I can’t understand why it has taken some people so long to figure this one out. I knew this when I was a girl. This is nothing new. It’s a matter of who legitimizes the info aka a white man from the New York Times. Call it “traditional privilege” if it is easier to digest but, we all know this is about race. The majority of white people in this country and in fact on this planet will be in fight or flight mode forever. Abortion was OK until White woman wanted them. Obama was bi-racial. Did that make a difference? No it did not. Racism is gone when another generation of Black kids and especially our sons doesn’t have to have “The talk.” as soon as they are out of pampers. That they have to work harder, not call attention to themselves, be aware that some white person might call 911 on them or shoot them in the back just because.” The question is what are White people going to do about this?