Somebody, Please Stop the Noise!
Sometime I can’t sleep. It started when my husband went to Iraq for two years as an interpreter. I worried about him all the time. I’d get in bed, turn off the light and the noiseless sound of the room would create this annoying hiss.
There I was every night with my brain in a constant whirl of what if this or what about that. What if his convoy ran over a landmine or got caught in an ambush? What would I do if on a visit to one of the villages something went wrong an al-Qaida terrorist decided to blow himself up. I was a nervous wreck.
To get some sleep, I started listening to recordings of rain, thunderstorms, the ocean, waterfalls and “white noise.” What is white noise? It’s the “presence of several different frequencies of sound which has no definite pitch or tone. Like the hum and buzz of fans, cabins in airplanes, and the recorded heartbeats from inside a mother’s womb sound can help you to calm down. Now they have sleep sound generators. It’s clear I’m not the only one having problems sleeping.
- You can download these immersive sounds on an app.
- It feels like you’re “transported to entirely new environments.
- You experience peace and feel relaxed.
- Best of all be distracted from the buzz in your head for as much as 10 hours.
Eighteen years later and the buzz and hiss returned. At first, I thought there was something wrong with my ears, so I went to the otolaryngologist where she tested my ears and found just a tiny bit of hearing the loss in the lower frequency. Other than that she didn’t find anything else wrong with my ears. The doctor said I might want to see an ear, nose and throat specialist.
“You shouldn’t worry about a hearing aid.”, She said.
“Could it come from using headphones?”, I asked.
“It could, ” She responded.
“But, there still is this constant high pitch hum.
What’s up with the buzz? I thought about all the years I used headphones during my years as a radio broadcaster. We have a terrible habit of cranking up the sound. Or sleeping with headphones to add noise instead of listening to the quiet.
“What do I do? I’m having a hard time sleeping.” I said as I rubbed my ears. Her response was very gentle. “You could try one of those sound machines. Sometimes that helps people who get tinnitus.” So how does this connect with “The Nefarious Baby Boomers?” We talk too much, and we don’t listen because our ears are worn out.
The Generational Divide
Unlike soothing “White Noise,” there’s the annoying talk about our new Congress’s diversity. I say “Good. It’s about time to shake it up. It’s long overdue. Now, our country can get a tasty look at who’s booties have warmed the seats of the Judicial, Executive, and Representative branches of our government since the birth of the U.S. Constitution. A sprawling circle of old White men. I’ve dubbed them the “Nefarious Baby Boomer Boys.”
It’s not a pretty picture.
“In total, 25 candidates were elected for the first time due to the mid-term elections in 2018, and are 40 years old or younger. So we are either moving in the right direction or the “Nefarious Baby Boomers” don’t have enough energy to push back.

The end of our reign.
That’s right. I’m talking about those of us born between 1946-1964. Guilty as charged. Along with millions of others, I became an official member of the “Notorious Baby Boomers Girls” when I turned 65 this year. And, like others often find I am still the target of the “Nefarious Baby Boomer Boys.” Ultimately, some of us want senior discounts and to rule the world.
Do I want to run the world? Hell to the NO! Not Me.
Have the “Notorious Baby Boomer Girls” been allowed to at least give it a try? We fought hard but, we got too comfy when Obama became President. We don’t want to fight anymore. We’re tired.
Are the “Nefarious Baby Boomer Boys” dangerous? Yes. Brutal, and persistent. Steadily chippin’ away at our Rights. Not all but, a number of them.
Can the “Notorious Girls” be of assistance?
Yes. Can you use our experience to avoid being out-slicked by the “Nefarious Baby Boomer Boys”? Yes, we’ve been in this ring many times before, and we can share some tips.
Tip One: Women of color beware. You’ll be the first to be attacked. Why? Because we speak out when we see “Bullshit.” We can’t help it. And, we tend to speak out against everyone except ourselves best interest.
Tip Two: Women make sure you have Boy allies. White Boy allies in particular. You will need back-up. The “Nefarious” ones play dirty. Case in point. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) were a united front against Trumps Wall.
Tip Three: Don’t back down. The “Nefarious” ones don’t like to be told “No,” and they hate it, even more, when you are right.
Tip Four: Trust what you know the truth to be. Again you have to watch your back. They will lock in step and stick together.
Tip Five: And, most importantly you don’t always have to be polite. It will not get you what you want. Never has and never will.
“It’s gonna’ be a wild ride Ladies.”
Pull out your “hottest” lipstick, zip-up those purses, shift those babies onto your other hip, keep your eyes on your “allies” and kick off your heels. It’s about’ to get nasty up in here. These “Nefarious Baby Boomer Boys” will come after you with the “worst” big guns in the world. The DRS-Precision-DSR 50-Sniper-Rifle plus their Super Jets. And, they are not playing, and this is not a simulation.

Beware of “Trip Wires”
Those of us who want to see you win have a responsibility to watch your back. The “Notorious Baby Boomer Girls” need to get out of the crossfire because we are worn out. You will have to deal with all the mess we left behind. Sorry about that but, we will be on your “Six.” You have to win this battle so heed our warning.
The game is the real deal. Several of our warriors have already come under attack. Others are watching you with night-vision goggles. Keep an eye on your “so-called” allies as well. Just because they are women doesn’t mean they will be in your corner. Seek out your partners carefully.
Pay Attention. The Boys Want to Use Your Stuff.
Reports suggested that Joe Biden, 76, the former vice-president may announce he is considering a run for the 2020 Presidential race by naming Stacey Abrams is described as a Progressive 45-year old rising star”. She narrowly lost her bid to win the governors race in Georgia stating the obvious. Why was the Black vote was suppressed?
Ask yourself this question. Why? Why was the Black vote suppressed? Didn’t I tell you these guys play slick? Don’t get fooled. Every one of the men running seems to want a woman on the ticket beside them. What would happen if one of the woman candidates selected another woman to be by her side? Revolution is what! And, why are these old coots willing to sit this one out and back a woman for a President?
- Stacey Abrams is a woman with name recognition.
- She is Progressive. All Democrats say they want to be that now.
- She is 45 years old. That’s that man’s age.
- And, as a bonus, she’s Black.
The Root of Much Evil.
In 1994, Pfizer filed a patent covering the use of ” sildenafil” to treat erectile dysfunction. Viagra had more research done on it than Birth Control Pill. The “Nefarious Baby Boomer Boys’ are hyped up on “Male Performance Enhancers” including your President.
- The “Notorious Baby Boomer Boys” are not accustomed to being told, “NO.”
- They live in the haze of male privilege.
Eventually, you’ll vote us out of the office and kiss us out the door. Thank you, Ma. Thank you, Dad. But, you’ll have to go. Still kicking and screaming but, out the door nonetheless. It is inevitable unless like domestic terrorists we blow the whole thing up.