“Under patriarchy, no woman is safe to live her life, or to love, or to mother children.
Under patriarchy, every woman is a victim, past, present, and future.”
Andrea Dworkin
Harsh Words in Harsh Times.
What’s a Nana to do?
I’m a Woman.
I’m a Mother.
I’m a Grandmother.
I’m Pro-Kids
I’m Pro-Choice.
And, I’m pro-sick and tired of the abortion debate.
Misogyny is the hatred, distrust, and mistrust of women along with prejudice.
Thesaurus, you neglected to add the “and, by women” part.
Take a good look at the picture above. What do you see? I see six White men. I’ll refer to them as; “The Old Coots.” In the middle stands a proud virtuous woman, the Governor of Alabama; I’ll call her the “Wicked Witch of the South.” I also see two Black men standing just a step back to the left and right of the group. Let’s call them the “Bookends.”
Shift your eyes from the main protagonist and study the background faces. You can learn a lot from their faces. Who are these men, I ask? Once upon a time, they were sweet innocent little boys.
Perhaps they’re fathers, grandfathers, uncles, husbands, and lovers. Or maybe no one loved them at all. It must feel good to be in this position of power to determine what a woman and can and can not do with her body. Vibrant, and in charge.
One of the Culprits.
On my second look at the same photo, I thought, we have got to ban “Viagra.” There’s way too much artificial progesterone in that frame. These guys are bursting at the seams with happiness, arrogance, and joy. Why? Because they just passed the most restrictive limitations on a women’s right to choose in the entire country.
Well, the Governor is a woman, and she signed it into law! Right?
Senator Terri Collins co-sponsored that bill! Right again. Collins refused to support even the exception for rape or incest. She made the case that “The baby in the womb is a person.”, according to an article in Heavy.com. In addition, five other Republican women voted for it as well!
All Women Don’t Think the Same.
Some vote for a Woman’s Right to “Choose,” which doesn’t always mean abortion.
Others fight for the “Unborn.”
Kenan Malik, for “The Guardian,” “It politics, not gender, that creates the abortion divide.” According to the Pew Research Center, almost six in 10 Republicans believe that abortion should be illegal in all or most cases, while three-quarters of Democrats think it should be legal.”
As an example, in Alabama, every Republican, man, and woman, supported the abortion ban. No Democrat, of either gender, did. Democratic Sens. Billy Beasley of Clayton; David Burkette of Montgomery; Linda Coleman-Madison of Birmingham; Vivian Figures of Mobile; Singleton; and Rodger Smitherman of Birmingham of Alabama State’s state legislature were the only ones who fought against this restrictive bill.
Look at the faces below.
What do you see?
If this is what it’s come to, then I should have sat my
feminist-ass down.
Take a long hard look. What I see is the love, the desire the, “Can I have some of that. Touch me, Donald. Touch me there.” Just look at this sea of White girls drooling over an “Old Coot” who sees them as White Trash with a wrinkled up “pussy.” Is it worth fighting for or losing sleep over the rights of these women?
The one with the black lace top is licking her lips at the “out-of-her-league” man. These are faces that both frighten, disgust and piss me off. Even more so than the “Old Coots” and their recruits.
I fought for these heifers. I stood up and spoke out for these Grandmothers. Check out the brown hair one with enough cleavage showing to put a breast implant doctor’s office to shame.
The only saving grace in the photo is the exhausted woman on the left holding the upside-down “Women For Trump” sign. And what’s up with the boy with the phone?
The new laws targeting Women’s Reproductive Rights are a nightmare.
- Many Republicans believe it went too far when they excluded exceptions for women who are raped or sexually assaulted by pedophiles. Terri disagrees.
- While other Republicans have been chipping away at Roe v. Wade since the Supreme Court handed down its decision for 50 years.
- The latest strategy is to get one of these state abortion roll-back laws in front of the highest court and get it repealed.
Meet Some of the “Viagra Warriors” for the “Unborn” in Alabama.
And, I mean, take a long look.
Under patriarchy, every woman’s son is her potential betrayer and also the inevitable rapist or exploiter of another woman.”
Andrea Dworkin
First: Scary and gruesome words because I brought a son into the world by choice.
Second: “Republicans have ripped off their masks. The dislike women having any power period.
Third: They don’t care about the health of the mother.
Fourth: Too bad for the victims of rape or incest. It’s their fault anyway.
Fifth: Who cares about the “unborn. This is evidenced by their stubborn refusal to provide nationalized and free prenatal care.
In conclusion, it is all about controlling women’s bodies.
Limiting reproductive choice is a way to control women; that’s all they’re in it for.” Elie Mysta contributing writer for The Nation.
The “Wicked Witch of the South” and beaming “Coot-ette.”
What’s Ms. Katies’ story?
Kay Ivey, Governor of Alamba, never had children of her own. Why? Her choice, right? According to Seth Meyers, Psy.D., a licensed clinical psychologist writes in a Psychology Today article, “I find that the majority of female criticism stems from feeling inadequate in an area of life they value highly.
For example, Myers said, “I have a female client who is extremely critical of other’s parenting styles, but it’s simultaneously worth noting that she has had great difficulty becoming pregnant and is currently in the midst of fertility treatments.”
Women Hating Women.
Misogyny isn’t just a man’s thing.
- Miss Katie believes the only kind of birth control is “long-acting reversible contraceptives,” but only, according to her, after the delivery of a child. According to her, you’ve gotta’ have that first baby.
- Intrauterine devices, injections, or implants, birth control, can be more cost-effective than condoms or another method. The state is willing to pay for IUDs. Will these devices stop sexually transmitted diseases? Nope.
Is it pain-free to “install”?
- Your healthcare provider can insert the IUD; meanwhile, if you don’t have a healthcare provider, too bad. It’s a nonsurgical procedure anyway, Katie tells us. Typically it takes just a few minutes to place in through your cervix and into the wall of your uterus. Oh really? So, it just slips up into your uterus like a tampon?
Does this device also work for men?
More sterilized men mean fewer abortions if that is the goal. Why should women have to carry all the weight both being pregnant and making the decision to end her pregnancy? Ask any man. Most will tell you they don’t want to have a vasectomy.
Can it be inserted into the ejaculatory duct?
Will he have to visit his health care provider?
Will he get paid for the day off to get this non-surgical procedure done?
Will the state pay?
Erectile Dysfunction
Do not soak the IUD in Viagra.
Oh, and by the way Miss Katie is
pro “unborn life” and a pro-death advocate.
Me Too Little Boy! Me too!
Ding. Ding. Round One.
” Without the protection of Roe, all other legal and civil rights, are meaningless. If you can’t determine the fate of your body, all other rights are pale.” – A former President of Planned Parenthood
Other Anti-Abortion Laws I love.
The use or prescription of any instrument, medicine, drug, or any other substance or device with the intent to terminate the pregnancy of a woman known to be pregnant with knowledge that the termination by those means will with reasonable likelihood cause the death of the ‘unborn child.'”
How will they know?
1. Random Searches of Women’s Medicine Cabinets?
2. Specialized Dogs to sniff their mail and pocketbooks?
The Alabama law has not criminalized women who seek to terminate their pregnancies. Not yet, anyway.
The doctors, the pharmacists, and co-conspirators who slipped her some of their medications to terminate a pregnancy are toast. And, worse are the closing of all women’s health centers and “abortion clinics,” making it almost impossible to end their pregnancies.
Will Three-Strike law apply?
The law would make it a felony, punishable by up to 99 years or life in prison, to perform or prescribe medications that might cause the end of the “unborn.”
“The three-strikes law significantly increases the prison sentences of persons convicted of a felony who have been previously convicted of two or more violent crimes or serious felonies and limits the ability of these offenders to receive a punishment other than a life sentence.”
1. Meanwhile, the only remaining Abortion Clinic in Saint Louis, Missouri has refused to follow the requirement that every woman is subject to a pelvic exam 72 hours before she exercises her U.S. Constitutional Right to have an abortion.
2. The clinic released a statement that “…unless medically indicated, we will no longer require patients seeking a surgical abortion to undergo a pelvic exam on the patient counseling day, which the state requires to be at least 72 hours before the procedure.”
3. The Medical Director at the Planned Parenthood Clinic believes this represents an assault on women. This case will, like other restrictions on women who choose abortion, will end up in court.
There is a fear that to avoid the new law; women will cross the border to obtain the procedure.
We all know who will be most impacted by these laws — poor women who can’t afford to travel outside state lines to have abortions. Meanwhile, wealthier women or women who have their abortions paid for by men who can foot the bill will have an easier time of it. By the way, this always was a factor in abortions pre-Roe.
How Much Do They Cost Anyway?
Planned Parenthood in New York reports that a medical abortion in the first 9-weeks of pregnancy without insurance costs $600, as much as $2,000 during the second trimester. There are also hidden costs that include;
- Travel and lodging costs to States where they can get them.
- Childcare
- Time off from work.
- Two to three days to stay somewhere for recovery.
- And up to $100 for pain medication.
No Exceptions. None.
In the case of rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother, the baby stays the mother is irrelevant. They must have been watching movies where the mother groans in agony, from a bullet hole in her chest to “Save my baby.”
My life doesn’t matter, ” as they cut her open to remove the baby and place it into someone’s waiting arms. I’ve seen this scene played out hundreds of times, most recently in an old episode of “The Sarah Connor Chronicles (I series I loved.)” Awww….how noble.
Does it matter if you’re in a “Vegetative” state? Nope.
- A young woman declared to be “brain dead” in an Arizona Nursing Care facility was raped repeatedly, and on December 29, 2018, she gave birth to a “healthy” baby. The Phoenix police arrested a 36-year-old male nurse after DNA testing showed he was the father.
- Staff members at Hacienda Healthcare told a 911 operator that they had not known she was pregnant. And, that a baby just came out. Was this in any way related to the story told of the birth of Jesus? I don’t buy it.
- The woman’s family claims they regularly visited her. Wouldn’t they have noticed the pregnancy? How do you hide the pregnancy from people who care, wash, change your diapers, and feed you? Come on now? Either her family knew. They knew but didn’t want her to have an abortion. Or, they were lying about going to see her.
- Sexual assault on the disabled is, unfortunately, common. But, some legislators support the rights of the “unborn” over the Mother. Just carry it to term, and we’ll figure out what to do with it, they’ll say. Or give it to the family or another family. How do you explain to that conceived child of rape that when her Mother was vulnerable in a nursing care facility, a nurse repeatedly raped her?
Murderers they call them!
I remember covering these marches for the magazine, “Equal Times,” when I was 19-years old, and the Women’s “Reproductive Rights” marches and rallies were in full swing. How many more rights will we have to fight for again? I remember when Black men called abortion genocide. On the other hand, Black women had to cover all their bases. I’m pro-Black people but, I’m also pro-my body and my rights.
Millions of women had “illegal” unsafe abortions.
Million used unsafe birth control, including IUDs.
A woman’s body belongs to herself alone. It is her body. It does not belong to the Church. It does not belong to the United States of America or any other Government on the face of the earth. The first step toward getting life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for any woman is her decision whether or not she shall become a mother.”
Margaret Sanger, “Suppression,” Jun 1914.
Early Birth Control Methods
–My Grandmother had 17 live births. I have no clue how many miscarried or died shortly after birth.
–My Nana had 12 live births. Again, no clue how many miscarried or died shortly after birth.
–My Mother had five live births. One baby died after her birth, and she had multiple miscarriages.
My Mother was a felon.
The rhythm method is not foolproof. My mother told me she and some of her girlfriends traveled across state lines and returned with hidden contraband. Probably in their bras. Birth control was illegal in Massachusetts.
Ignorance about Women’s Reproduction is pitiful. A Senator from Alabama said that women could get an abortion under the new law if they don’t know they’re pregnant. Excuse me? Why else would she seek one?
In an article by Jamie Utt, “The Change From Within.”
“Though many try to say, we’re saying that the life of the fetus is equal to the life of the Mother. There is no room for equality of livelihood when one being’s livelihood depends entirely upon the livelihood of the other being.”
With that in mind, he questioned, “How can we possibly tell a woman that her life is less important than the potential human life that grows inside of her? In other words, why should a possible human utterly dependent upon its host to live to have rights that supersede the owner of the body?
Can I get an answer?
” Without the protection of Roe, all other legal and civil rights, are meaningless. If you can’t determine the fate of your body, all other rights are pale.” – President Planned Parenthood
And, Missouri!
“Viagra Coots” of the worse kind rise.
I’m telling you we have to ban Viagra.
The Missouri House of Representatives just passed House Bill 126, “The Missouri States for the Unborn,” in a 110 to 44 vote. The sweeping anti-abortion package bans abortions after eight weeks into a pregnancy, among other restrictions, and does not have an exception for victims of rape or incest.
The Witch That Got Away.
Representative Holly Rehder, a Republican from southeast Missouri, believes rape and incest are not reason enough for exceptions. “To stand on this floor and say, ‘How could someone look at a child of rape or incest and care for them?’” she said. “I can say how we can do that. We can do that with the love of God.”
And, let’s keep that news a secret from the child when he or she asks why did my mother give me away? Or who is my father?
Where the HELL is Dorothy?
Missouri HB339
Establishes the “Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.”
Ding-Ding. Round Two
Georgia Gov. Kemp signs the “Heartbeat” bill.
Watch cha’ back, Kemp.
Excuse me?
According to CBS, “This year alone, state lawmakers have introduced more than 250 bills restricting abortion access, according to a study conducted by Planned Parenthood and Guttmacher. And six-week abortion bans, like Georgia’s, are up by 62 percent.
My Grandmother and the majority of the women in my family, including my mother, died from breast cancer? These women had enough children to protect them. It seems having too many kids could be a problem.
Let’s Count Heartbeats.
Missouri wants all women to have Two Pelvic Exams Before, and then another after a 72-hour wait.
Types of Obstetrics & Gynecology Tools Used On Women.
First: Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Ohio have neared approval of measures barring abortion once there’s a detectable fetal heartbeat. It could be six weeks, 12 weeks, or in some cases, the monitors won’t register for months.
Second: How will doctors know if there is a heartbeat? All women are subject to an ultrasound or to visit a Doctor before she could terminate a pregnancy? They’ll be rolling that machine (which is expensive) out to detect a heartbeat the size of the tip of a pencil under these requirements.
Third: Meanwhile, since the coots are so keen to roll out those machines to record fetal heartbeats, how come I can’t get an ultrasound instead of getting my breasts smashed to kingdom come in an x-ray machine for a mammogram unless they see something a little strange on the x-ray film.
Fourth: When I asked, the technician said that it was safer but “too” expensive. Should I tell the Doctor I think I’m pregnant, and while they’re at it, can they slide that hand-held Doppler and do my breasts for any signs of cancer?
Meanwhile, No money for the Mothers of the “born.”
Go Home!
Research shows that more women have to return to “their” homes from working because they can’t afford the price of childcare. The Center for American Progress reports that “Mothers who were unable to find a child care program were significantly less likely to be employed than those who found a child care program.
Whereas there was no impact on fathers’ employment.” No job for a single mom. That’s no problem. We’ll give her a welfare check and some food stamps. On top of that, we’ll punish her for being a “burden on society.
” Shouldn’t have had sex before she was sure she and her baby would have lifelong support. And, too bad if she’s divorced and left with a bunch of kids. Should have kissed her husband’s ass longer. The diatribes go on and on and one.
We Demand that all women have;
Control Over Our Bodies
Free Healthcare
Extensive Maternity Leave.
Free Daycare.
No discrimination because she “might” get pregnant or have children.
More government spending more on children and less on the Defense budget.
Automatic yearly bonus for Mothers and Kids-not tax deductions.
We want Guaranteed decent housing.
We demand Free Birth Control of our choice.
Ding! Ding! Round Three.
A five-decade-long argument.
- In 1969, Jane Doe, who lived in Texas, was 22, unmarried, and looking to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. But she couldn’t. In Texas, having an abortion was a crime unless a woman’s life was at risk. Similar statutes were in place in nearly every other state.
- So Norma Leah Nelson McCorvey (i.e., Jane Doe to protect her identity) seeking to safely and legally abort her pregnancy, sued Henry Wade, the Dallas County District Attorney, in 1970.
- In June 1970, with some good lawyers, a Texas district court ruled that the state’s abortion ban was illegal because it violated a constitutional right to privacy. Afterward, Wade (Texas district attorney of Dallas County, where McCorvey lived.) declared he’d continue to prosecute doctors who performed abortions. Sound familiar?
On Jan 22, 1973, the Supreme Court, in a 7-2 decision, struck down the Texas law banning abortion, effectively legalizing the procedure nationwide.
In a majority opinion written by Justice Harry Blackmun, the court declared that a woman’s right to an abortion was implicit in the right to privacy protected by the 14th Amendment.
Before the ruling, abortion was illegal in most of the U.S.
In an article written by Elizabeth Chuck for NBC News, here’s what changed after Roe v. Wade.
- The court divided pregnancy into three trimesters and declared that the choice to end a pregnancy in the first trimester was solely up to the woman.
- In the second trimester, the government could regulate abortion, although not ban it, to protect the mother’s health.
- In the third trimester, the state could prohibit abortion from protecting a fetus that could survive on its own outside the womb, except when a woman’s health was in danger. A lot of people didn’t like that and spent a lot of their time promoting the “unborn” rights doctrine.
- Some states have added regulations that women have to wait 24 hours after “spiritual counseling,” often guilt- based along with watching grueling videos. Do those include having them watch botched abortions?
- Or look at the devices women had to use or show millions of dead bodies from pregnancy-related deaths.
- Girls under the age of “consent” have to get parental permission. Some laws would require women to inform their husbands though I’m not sure how he can stop it if she decides to go ahead with it.
Ding-Ding Round 4
- A 17-year old detained immigrant denied access to abortion even though she was clear she didn’t want to continue the pregnancy. Many women get raped on their trek to the U.S. border, and when they end up in detention centers, they request abortions. They wouldn’t let her out without a sponsor; meanwhile, the clock was ticking.
- Though a lengthy court dispute, she was eventually granted the abortion after the court ruling. An article in “The Guardian” reports that she, her name was not disclosed due to her privacy, clearly stated that she said, “I made my decision, and that is between me and God.”
Growing babies in plastic bags.
1. We don’t need women to have babies. We can grow them. We see this theme (The Matrix) all the time in SciFi movies and series. Dr. Sarah Prager, who directs the University of Washington School of Medicine’s family planning fellowship, says, “Technology and science have given women unprecedented options and control over fertility since 1973.
2. Back then, single women had only recently gained access to birth control, thanks to a 1972 Supreme Court ruling.”Dr. Prager also states that “A woman can get the morning-after pill without a prescription and keep some in her medicine cabinet for emergencies.
3. A woman’s smartphone sends birth control reminders. Or, if she prefers, a matchstick-size implant gives her no-hassle contraception for years at a time. Ending pregnancy with mifepristone and misoprostol now accounts for about 30% of U.S. abortions.
Ding-Ding Round Five
The Rights of the “Unborn” vs. the “Born.”
Why are people concerned with the “unborn” but step over “born” children?
Children’s Action Alliance wants to know.
Ding! Ding! Round Six.
The “Unborn” vs. the “Born.”
Abortion isn’t the first option. Women who make that choice are well aware of the consequences of bringing a child into this world. Either way, women are either branded as irresponsible and trying to get a welfare check or branded as unfit when they can’t afford to take care of the kids they give birth.
I heard arguments as wild as, “Well, she should have kept her legs closed.” It’s never balanced with men should keep their zippers zipped. Or, “If you are unable to take care of one child, why would you go and get pregnant again? That is what burns me!! Clinics give away free birth control! Oh, well, we have to close all of them. Her child will end up with her parents, and if not, we will all be paying for them.
It isn’t that simple. What is God providing for all those kids and babies living on the streets in the U.S.? Please! If you don’t want to have an abortion, don’t.
How Come, Nana?
I thought you guys took care of this five decades ago.
Sorry, Granddaughter.
I thought so too.
Half a century ago, your Nana, along with other women, fought so you wouldn’t have to fight for your right to make decisions about your body. NOW, YOU’LL HAVE TO FIGHT LIKE HELL OR UNTIL ALL THE “OLD COOTS” ARE LONG GONE.
I’m also sorry.
- You’ll have to bind your breast in uncomfortable bras, so men don’t see your nipples and go rabid.
- You’ll have to sit with your legs closed tight at all times except when a man wants to look, and even then, it won’t keep you safe.
- If you dress “indecently” in public, you’ll attract the wrong kind of attention. It’s your fault if you get raped or become a victim of incest or sexual abuse. You were asking for it. You swished when you should have stomped.
You shouldn’t have been born female.
- It doesn’t matter if you covered-up from head-to-toe in a black body tent wearing gloves, you still run the risk of being harassed, pinched, groped, or attacked in public. Men find you more desirable when you are all covered up.
- There is a risk that you’ll be kidnapped and sold into sexual slavery.
- You’ll make less money than a man doing the same job. If you keep getting pregnant, your partner leaves you high and dry; they’ll blame you.
- Even if you are brain dead, you run the risk of being sexually assaulted, and no one will even know it until you give birth. It will still be your fault.
Sorry Grandson
You’ll have to fight for your life as a Black Man and your sister’s life and her right to choose.
In an article in Newsweek, ” The internet is overrun with examples of women advocating for their safety and sexual autonomy. Gamergate was an internet controversy when women gamers, who started calling out the sexism within the gaming community, were met with everything from disbelief to death threats.
Some men even kill women who reject their sexual advances. This fatal outcome of misogyny is enabled by a society that does little, if anything, to educate men of any age about sexism and gender violence and hold them accountable for their actions.”
Reproduction Rights apply to you as well. A decision to bring a life into the world isn’t always just up to her. It’s a joint decision couple choose for themselves. Your choices are also under attack. You will face the choice of standing up for her rights or not.